Hissho endless space 2 ships
Hissho endless space 2 ships

hissho endless space 2 ships hissho endless space 2 ships

The major downside to this is that these have to go on your ships in lieu of other modules - you're equipping them at the expense of shield boosters and other things you might really need to win the battles in space. Invader", they're ships which have been outfitted by the AI expressly for this purpose). The AI's been programmed to do this explicitly (if you ever see ships titled "S. Even a large fleet will natively do only ~25 damage per turn but if you equip, say, 16 of these modules on support ships will boost this up to ~250, which means an average system with ~1200 ground forces can be emptied in 4 turns.īroadly speaking, this is probably the best strategy. The one way to accelerate this, is to buy "Titanium A2S Slugs", which are a support module. Killing all the defenders with a blockade and the implicit bombardment is so slow (normally) that you could spend 50 turns orbiting a reasonably-defended system, and only deplete the ground forces by half. Or, you kill all the defenders by immediately landing your troops and just fighting fire with fire (but you take heavy losses doing this). You either blockade the planet, which slowly kills the defenders via orbital bombardment, and then actually land your troops once the defenders are all dead. There are really two ways to take planets in ES2. +15% Replenishment on fleets outside bordersĮditor's Notes: This law lets you keep fighting, conquering system after system, without needing to retreat to friendly territory to replenish your losses.īecause " " is a complicated design feature unique to ES2, this merits a (long) explanation. Through their methods this law permits higher replenishment rates of manpower when outside borders. Hailing from a highly martial society, Yuusho are happy to bring in unknown and untrained volunteers into their fleets while on active duty away from home territory. Political opinion less impacted by eventsīring 'Em, Break 'Em Bill - Emergency Conscription Measures Outside Borders Act Political opinion more impacted by events They're like "Impervious Bunkers", but via population rather than a building.

hissho endless space 2 ships

They just boost how many soldiers can be on the system defense maximum. They don't boost how quickly the system produces. +20 System capacity, +30 System capacity on SterileĮditor's Notes: All of these boosts Yuusho give, increase the maximum capacity on a system. If you keep them in your empire, they will provide a very good defense bonus as well as bonuses for battles. The Yuusho are proud, aggressive warriors who enjoy combat and will tend towards militaristic policies. While this has created a very hardy, aggressive, and dangerous people, it has also slowed their advancement and limited their numbers. Over centuries their culture and society evolved into one that revolved solely around martial arts, honor, and war as a result their history is one of bloodshed, conquest, and vengeance. They were discovered relatively late in their evolutionary process by the Concrete Endless and developed into a race of highly dangerous gladiators. Living on a relatively low-gravity planet, this species that excelled in flight was able to grow larger brains and bodies than they might have on comparable worlds. While they must acquire new knowledge and modern skills, in their hearts they shall remain industrious warriors. Today they are being rediscovered, and will be awakening to a galaxy that is far different from the one they knew. While the Hissho on Uchi continued to thrive and develop, the small, isolated enclaves of Yuusho continued the rites and traditions that they learned while fighting in the arenas of the Endless. Once part of the same bloodline as the Hissho, the Yuusho were separated from their kin when the fall of the Endless left them stranded on diverse planets. 6.1 Conquest via Blockading and Bombarding.

Hissho endless space 2 ships